Friday, 15 May 2015

Farmers News - HarvestPlus Opens Cassava Products Outlet in Ibadan

A model vitamin-A cassava sales outlet was recently launched by HarvestPlus-Nigeria in Ibadan in conjunction with its development partners, Nollywood producers and actors, led by Zeb Ejiro, to boost Nigerians access to the bio-fortified cassava crops.

The partners stated at the unveiling of the outlet located  opposite the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), that it would help control the health challenges of vitamin A deficiency manifesting in poor vision, blindness, low immunity and poor body tissue development, which commonly affects 30 per cent of Nigerian children under five years and 20 per cent of pregnant women.

With over 500, 000 Nigerian households currently planting the varieties and consuming the products across the country, and over 550 commercial farmers on board in the multiplication of the nutritious crop on over 1000 hectares of farmland in Nigeria, the partners stated that the need to scale out the product to more Nigerians in order to make the crop accessible to them became the next line of action.

According to HarvestPlus Country Manager, Paul Ilona, who said the Ibadan outlet was just a model, the company plan to establish 300 of such model sales outlet across Nigeria so that Nigerians can enjoy the health benefits of the crop. "We need partners to buy into this initiative to make it a reality across the length and breadth of the country,” he said.

The model sale outlet known as the ‘Farmers’ Centre’ is expected to link up suppliers of the product (farmers and processors) with demand agents (bulking agents, entrepreneurs and consumers) of the product at the model sales outlet.


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